Sunday, August 08, 2010

Clint Curtis - Murder Spies and Voting Lies

Why is it they don't want votes to be easily tracked and counted? Why release voting machines whose internals are nontransparent and uninspected and unaudited? Why all the excuses and obstacles? What is the agenda?

Here is a system that is indirectly supported by the masses via their silence. Whenever someone tries to go after the bad guys, they get murdered. This is the system where people fear loss to their 401k and retirement funds. Those that protest and try to do right MUST be silenced. It's a system chock full of fraud. The profit numbers rely on fraud and must be maintained. Any light shined on fraud will devalue everyone's balance sheets and retirement accounts. It'll be like letting the air out of a balloon.

[Youtube] Clint Curtis's Murder Spies and Voting Lies - Part 1

[Youtube] Clint Curtis's Murder Spies and Voting Lies - Part 2

[Youtube] Clint Curtis's Murder Spies and Voting Lies - Part 3

[Youtube] Clint Curtis's Murder Spies and Voting Lies - Part 4

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