What is empire about? It's great for the select few who benefit from the loot. Who are the poor subjects who take the brunt impact of abject poverty? The majority of the world lives in squalor while a few party away. All around the world the rich subjugate poor.
I'm going to show some photos which I took in Hyderabad right here and contrast riches and poverty, both within a few yards of each other. The pictures create a linear panorama, starting with the southeast face and going around to the northeast side, thus creating a 300 degree view.
Who else thinks about this stuff on their trips?
They call this building the White House:
These 'bungalows are 3 stories high and worth about 3 crores rupees or $1 million each:
This is a picture of the empty lot directly below the white building pictured above:
Some empty areas are taken up by the poor who build temporary slum shelter. These get removed by the whim of the government when the local residents or businesses decide they want to pretty up the place, or if the land gets bought by a private party for development. If the land is already owned by a private party they may decide on removing the 'pests' This is pic 61:
View of the mosquito infested Taj Banjara hotel lake:
Here is a closeup of pic 61 (2nd one up from here) These are people living in abject poverty earning less than a dollar a day. One can imagine what would happen if a few pennies extra per day (in a form of higher wages) flow from the haves to the have nots?:
SUPER ZOOM near the Taj Banjara lake. The first pic shows a temple and a guy who bathes his buffalos in the lake everyday. The second pic shows Road 1, a main road full of shops in Banjara Hills:
[Pictures] More pics available on my flickr page.
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